How to write a Facebook ad copy that converts

As the world’s biggest social networking site, Facebook is the one social media platform you must include in your digital marketing campaign. It also offers excellent targeting options for your ads. Now you must think that all a Facebook user cares about are visuals in an advertisement. After all, we are visual creatures! However, that should not stop your business from writing a copy for great Facebook ads that convinces your target customers that you are worth clicking on. Adding to that, here are seven tips on how to make your ad copy eye catching for Facebook sing:

1. Start with a captivating hook

The hook – or the ad headline – is what ropes the Facebook user in to read the rest of your ad. Examples of hooks include speaking to a pain point that your target customer has, evoking emotions that get them to keep reading, or starting with an interesting fact or statistic that is relevant to what your target customer wants or your industry, in general. Emotions, in particular, are a great element to incorporate into your ads. Studies show that emotional content outperforms purely rational content by a wide margin. Use emotion to address fears that your customers may have, to evoke sympathy or pathos, or to shock them (positively) into taking action. The point is to create a Facebook ad copy that converts!

2. Use simple language

All too often, Facebook advertisers get caught up in the jargon of their industry and end up using the same jargon in their ads. However, few things will turn your audience off as much as lengthy sentences or incomprehensible words in your ads. So, please mind the Facebook ad copy’s length.

One of the best Facebook ad copy best practices is to use simple language that a third-grade student would understand to present your point clearly – what problem you are addressing with your product or service, and why it is the best solution for that problem.

Your ad should also clearly point your target customer towards whatever you want them to do next, be it signing up for a webinar or downloading a resource.

3. Incorporate social proof

No matter how great your product or service is, people who have not heard of you before are not very likely to buy from you or simply visit your website simply because they don’t know how good you are.

The best way to win their trust is by using social proof in your ads. Include testimonials from happy customers, both for specific products or service and for your website in general.

Facebook’s carousel ad format is ideal for this type of ad – you can show multiple rave reviews at one go and convince your target customer that you are worth their time and money. Social proof offers justification.

4. Use FOMO

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is quite literally the fear of missing something exclusive or only available for a limited period and is particularly strong among millennials. You can use FOMO in your ads by highlighting a limited-period offer – such as a massive discount on a premium gated content or a virtual event with only a few hundred tickets.

In addition, you can use statistics that show how many people are already benefiting from your offering. The idea is to get your target customers excited enough about what you are offering to take immediate action and not miss out anymore. The point is to create a Facebook ad copy that converts!

5. Focus on the customer

Many businesses use their ads to talk about how great they are. However, the people you are trying to attract do not care about you or are not motivated enough to take action, especially if they are hearing about your business for the first time.

Your ads need to speak to them and be all about what they want, instead of merely listing your strong points. For instance, if you offer organic meal subscriptions, don’t say “We are the most popular meal planning option in Kent.”

Instead, say something like “Are you looking to eat healthier but don’t have the time to cook every day? We got you covered.” By using “you”, you are speaking directly to the target customer and encouraging them to find out more about how you can help.

6. Pick matching visuals

An effective Facebook ad copy has both excellent copy and great visuals. In fact, as a user scrolls down their Facebook newsfeed, they are likely first to get stopped by an attractive good visual and then move on to read your copy.

Therefore, be sure to pick images or videos that match your ad content, whether you click original photos or use stock photos, and check that the photos/videos load accurately on both mobile and desktop devices.

For example, if you are promoting accounting service in the UK, don’t pick an image that shows a US tax form. Similarly, if you are promoting green energy, don’t go for a visual with a ship on it. Visuals can send the wrong message when viewed along with the copy.

You can also play around with text and ad positioning for optimum effect by placing your text on top of your image instead of separately.

7. Target smaller audiences with tailored ads

Facebook allows you to target highly specific audiences who have clearly defined wants. Use this feature to your advantage, i.e. personalise your Facebook ad campaigns instead of treating your ads like generic billboards or radio jingles.

But since you want a Facebook ad copy that converts, take some time out to research your audiences – their demographics, locations, careers and interests – and create buyer personas for the campaign.

Then, design ads that seem as though you are talking directly to your buyer persona. This will make your target customers feel like you are speaking to them instead of at them, and encourage them to click your ad. Always remember to do this while writing ad copies for Facebook!

Summing it up

While high-quality visuals make a crucial selling point in Facebook ad campaigns, the copy needs to tell your target customers why exactly they need to purchase your product or service. If your ad copy doesn’t impress them, they won’t be convinced to take action.

Therefore, study your target customers properly, know your offering well and ensure your Facebook ad copy is always on point! And if you need help with writing a Facebook ad copy that converts, you can always fall back on our talented content team for assistance. Sign up for a free consultation today!