How TLBM crafted web copy for a medical-led aesthetics specialist to highlight client knowledge and booking convenience

About the client

Maya Lipson is the founder of Maya Aesthetics, a medical practitioner aesthetic specialist with clinics based in Romford, Chertsey, and Dunmow. As a highly qualified medical aesthetics practitioner, midwife and independent prescriber, Maya specialises in a range of non-cosmetic facial and body treatments. She is passionate about non-surgical aesthetics and loves delivering superior results that complement the needs and motivations of her clients.


Maya Aesthetics


Aesthetic treatments

Goal achieved in

Four weeks

Client’s goal

To support her growing business, Maya wanted to create a website for the digital age - one where her clients could learn about treatments, see results, book appointments at any of her three clinics easily, and pay confidently.


The challenge

Maya wanted a detailed yet user-friendly website that she could manage herself. She knew many of her clients were nervous about treatments, so she wanted her site to be knowledgeable and informative with a user-friendly approach. The overall aim was to create an open and trusted environment which would highlight the care and skill that could be expected from her services.

She wanted to give a complete picture of available treatments to support the overall aim. She also planned to show ‘before-and-after’ pictures to dramatically demonstrate her treatment results. On top of this, she wanted to spotlight her three clinics and their top-notch facilities.

The challenge was to display all this information effectively without missing any details that could hurt the trustworthiness of the messaging.

Skills applied

The TLBM approach

In-depth research and website content structured planning

It was evident to us from the outset that a cursory understanding of the beauty and aesthetics industry would not suffice. Therefore, we delved deep into the practices of numerous medical practitioners and renowned clinics across the country. This gave us a clearer perspective on current practices, techniques, and clients’ expectations.

After thorough research, we created a website layout plan highlighting all the treatments and the different features that Maya wished to have on the website.

The content was organised based on the customer journey, from understanding treatments to the booking process.

We also outlined the specific sections that would appear on the homepage. Only after Maya reviewed and approved the layout did we begin creating the site’s content.

In-depth research and website content-structured planning


Homepage development for client alignment and authenticity

The homepage copy was our next focus, given its significance as the keystone of the website. It is the first page any client would encounter upon visiting, emphasising its crucial role.

The content was planned as the starting point for the user experience and required a balanced approach to draw the user into the detail of the site.

Trust was the key message we looked to convey and we pulled in the medical experience of Maya, images of the dedicated treatment rooms, before and after images, and testimonials to reinforce the messaging.

The home page set the scene for the rest of the pages.

Homepage development for client alignment and authenticity


Treatment pages crafted for clarity and assurance

Maya Aesthetics offers six primary treatments on the website. Each of these primary treatments further encompassed an average of 5-6 sub-treatments.

This hierarchical structure ensured that Maya’s clients had a clear path of discovery, addressing their concerns sequentially and logically.


The “Gallery” page content laid out for impactful results

For Maya, showcasing before-and-after photographs was paramount to highlight the transformative results of her facial and body treatments. Consequently, we designed a gallery page on her website.

To prioritise client confidentiality, we included a disclaimer stating that Maya Aesthetics only displays images with consent from the clients.

Given the sensitive nature of this page, the content structure played an important role.

We determined the photo arrangement, disclaimer placement, and the potential inclusion of testimonials, ensuring the page aligns with the clients’ objectives and ethical standards.


Combined convenience with consistency in “Book a treatment” page

One of Maya’s pivotal requirements was the inclusion of a “Book a Treatment” page where her clients could schedule appointments at any of her three clinics.

We ensured content accuracy in details like available packages, specific treatments, consultation services, time durations, and pricing. We also adhered to legal guidelines around descriptions.

We seamlessly aligned each description under the treatment options on the booking page with the overall website tone and voice.

This aspect was indeed important as this page serves as a primary business driver for Maya.


Asavari Sharma

Business Content Producer, TLBM

“In this project, we wanted the website content to blend honesty, empathy, and clarity. That is why we left no stone unturned to highlight Maya’s skill set and expertise in the best way possible. By presenting comprehensive information, real testimonials, and genuine before-and-after photos, we aimed to provide visitors with an authentic insight into the transformative results Maya consistently delivers to her clients.”

Technical challenges averted

seo considerations

SEO considerations for aesthetic treatments

Maya’s industry is competitive. Ensuring that her website content ranks for relevant keywords without coming across as overtly promotional or lacking genuine expertise was tricky.

We prioritised long-tail keywords that her potential clients might search for, such as “Botox for downturned mouth” or “best aesthetic treatments for fine lines.” Using these terms organically within genuine content had a higher chance of enhancing credibility.

content duplication

Content duplication in the medical field

The medical aesthetic treatment industry has vast amounts of information available online. Maya wanted her content to stand out and not seem like a mere replication of what is already out there. Additionally, she needed to ensure that her advice and content did not inadvertently mirror another clinic’s specifics.

We invested in original research and client testimonials, focusing on unique case studies and results from Maya’s clinics. Using regular customer reviews, the website content conveyed Maya’s expertise and resonated with her clientele’s expectations and concerns.

The results

Increase in time

We noticed a significant increase in time spent on the treatment pages, indicating that visitors thoroughly read the content.

Driving inbound leads

Moreover, the number of enquiries via the contact form saw a noticeable uptick, suggesting that the content successfully prompted users to take action.

Tools we used for the job


“Working with TLBM was a fantastic experience. They took the time to truly understand my vision, ethos, and the unique value I offer to my clients. Their meticulous attention to detail and expertise in crafting authentic content have given my website a voice that resonates deeply with my clientele. I am immensely grateful for their dedication and highly recommend them to anyone looking to elevate their online presence.”

Businesses that tell great stories always pull big crowds

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